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El barril de vino caliente | Paquete de regalo

¡Dale sabor a las festividades con nuestro paquete de regalo de vino caliente iKegger de 2 litros!

Prepárate para infundir calidez y alegría en cada celebración con nuestro vino caliente de 2 litros especialmente diseñado. Paquete de regalo de barril de vino.

Perfect for cozy gatherings, holiday parties, or intimate get-togethers, this package brings the tradition of mulled wine to life in a whole new way.

Both options come with : 

★ The iKegger 2.0 push-button tap system

★ The iKegger 2.0 mini regulator

★ The Mulled Wine Spice Mix(Enough for 4L Mulled Wine)

★ The Mini Drip Tray

★ 1 x 10 pack of Nitrogen gas bulbs (enough for 3-4 kegs)

★ The Insulated Cup

★ Custom carry sleeve featuring a shoulder strap and pockets for spare gas bulbs

Please note that this package doesn't include the Wine

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