Make sure your keg is clean and sanitised before filling but do not use dishwashing liquid (which will wreck the head on any beer you put in it afterwards).
See a video on sanitising your keg here
The best product to clean is sodium percarbonate which will remove any set on sediments / stickiness etc if you forget to rinse your keg out after it's empty.
The best sanitiser is a oxygen based no-rinse sanitiserwhich takes 2min to kill any bacteria and doesn't leave any odour of flavour.
We also have a package that includes both of those plus spare o-rings and lubricant to maintain them here
For any carbonated drink especially (beer, cider, kombucha, soda, G&T, rum and coke etc) it's best to chill the inside of your keg before filling. This will prevent foaming and loss of carbonation when the liquid hits warm metal.
With an insulated keg it's always best to chill inside the keg before filling as otherwise you may warm your drink a bit and once it's in the keg it takes a long time in the fridge before the inside starts getting colder.
It's best to flush the inside of the keg with CO2 or nitrogen before filling it to avoid your drink touching oxygen (it's only really important for beer, but it's best practise for all drinks).
You can do this by injecting CO2 into the open mouth of the keg or though the gas post and pulling the gas release valve a few times. CO2 is heavier than air so imagine your keg is now filled with liquid, the heavier liquid (your drink) goes to the bottom and lifts the lighter liquid (CO2) on top of it as you fill. This prevents your drink touching oxygen while you fill.
See a video on gas flushing an open mouth keg here
See a video on flushing a mini keg with ball lock posts here
You can absolutely fill your keg from cans or bottles, it's not the main reason we designed the mini keg (we'd like to prevent as many cans and bottles being used in the first place as possible) and it's not the best method but there are good reasons why you might want to:
Hay miles de cervecerías, sidrerías y destilerías en Europa y más abriendo cada día.
Lo mejor que puedes hacer es buscar en Google "cervecería cerca de mí" y darles una llamada.
Tu pub local o tienda de botellas también puede estar dispuesto a hacer recargas, si tienen una licencia para llevar no hay razón para que no puedan, pero depende de ellos, ¡así que pregúntales amablemente!
También conocemos a fabricantes de kombucha, fabricantes de café frío, té helado y un montón de otros pequeños negocios que están deseando enviarte a casa con deliciosas bebidas de barril, ¡así que pregunta por ahí!
Very similar to filling from a ball lock keg or fermenter, just that you add ball loock posts to the coupler so you can connect iKegger mini kegs easily.
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