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Duotight Blowtie Spunding Valve (1 bar), 8mm(5/16")

With the Duotight Blowtie Spunding Valve (up to 1 bar) from Kegland, you can easily control and regulate the spunding or fermentation pressure in pressure fermentation tanks such as Fermzilla, Brewtools, or Speidel, as well as in kegs (NC, iKegger, or Oxebar). The Duotight Blowtie Spunding Valve features Duotight/John Guest fittings on both ends for CO₂ tubing with an 8mm outer diameter and does NOT include a disconnect in the package.

The Duotight Blowtie Spunding Valve allows you to manage pressure fermentation, monitor secondary fermentation in the keg, or regulate pressure after force carbonation. It is designed for a pressure range of 0-1 bar or 0-15 psi.

The set pressure is adjusted by turning the yellow adjustment knob. Before use, the spunding valve must be completely "closed" by turning it clockwise until fully tightened. Once attached to your keg or pressure tank, it can be used to display the saturation pressure. If you want to use the valve for overpressure regulation, turn the adjustment knob counterclockwise until the desired pressure is reached on the gauge.

Duotight Blowtie connections: 2 x 8mm (5/16″) Push-Fit

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