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iKegger 2.0 Adapter for Standard CO2 Gas Bottles

*Only includes the adapter for the gas bottle! You will need to have the Sodastream and Remote gas line package to set it up as shown with the line between the keg and regulator!

For a much larger and cheaper source of CO2 you can use the iKegger 2.0 regulator with a Type 30 threaded (21.8 1/14 or DIN477) Standard European / UK / US refillable CO2 gas bottle sourced from your local gas supplier or homebrew shop.

Simply screw this adapter into the threaded inlet on the iKegger 2.0 regulator and screw it onto the gas bottle. The gas bottles are like BBQ gas with a tap you can turn off so they can be removed at any time without leaking if you want to swap back to bulbs for portability.


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