Home Brew Keg System | Complete Brew, Keg and Serve On Tap Package Home Brew Keg System | Complete Brew, Keg and Serve On Tap Package

Home Brew Keg System | Complete Brew, Keg and Serve On Tap Package


Home Brew Keg System: Package Contents

The Home Brew Keg System - designed from scratch to be the easiest way to produce great beer, quickly and accurately with perfect carbonation every time. It includes everything needed to brew except the ingredients. Includes cleaning, sanitising and maintenance gear and a transfer line and disconnects

The Home Keg - 19L stainless keg with a stainless steel flow control tap, full size regulator that can use standard Co2 tanks(or SodaStream 400g bottles using the included adapter). Can be joined with the mini keg using included connections so the small keg is always full ready to take with you!

The Away Keg (from the couch to camping) - 5L keg with a pluto gun and mini high quality regulator on a one way valve (this allows you to use the keg lying on it's side without liquid damaging the regulator). Can be filled from the large keg as needed or left connected to it so it always remains full and ready to take with you.

The Pressure Fermenter - 30L Fermzilla All Rounder fermenter with an adjustable pressure release valve to control internal pressure, the same connection as the kegs for easy transfer of the finished brew to them and a floating dip tube to always pick up the clear part of your batch.

Why Pressure Ferment and Keg Instead Of Bucket and Bottle? Much Less Time Cleaning, No Breakages!

If you're not already you will very quickly get sick of collecting, cleaning, capping and storing hundreds of glass bottles.

Breakages, cleaning up after a few mates coming over, emptying all the dregs, scrubbing, sanitising, priming, capping.... then starting all over again.

It's a thing of the past with this system. 3 easy clean vessels. Simply put some sanitiser in the fermenter and use the included link kit and CO2 to push it through all the lines, kegs and tap in one go.

Job done in 5 minutes!

Less Chance Of Bad Beer!

Once your beer is brewed you don't want it to touch oxygen till you are pouring it in your mouth or it will start to go bad (the reason glass growlers only last 24 hours after opening). Also when brewing beer you are creating a perfect environment for bacteria growth so any contact with a non sanitised surface will result in hectic bacteria growth and infection!

With a bucket fermenter, bottles and all the steps involved in filling them there is literally hundreds of possible sources of contamination. With this system the freshly brewed, already carbonated beer can be transferred under pressure from the fermenter to keg with no chance of oxygen or bacteria contact in minutes.

Fast and Accurate Carbonation

This package includes a pressure fermenter and an adjustable release valve. What that means is that instead of all the CO2 that would usually bubble out the airlock of your bucket fermenter being wasted it is stored in the pressure fermenter while brewing. You set the pressure release valve before you start to determine how much gas is trapped and how much is released so the entire batch is perfectly carbonated when it's brewed, in one easy step.

No more priming, transferring to bottles, capping and then waiting for a second fermentation to unevenly carbonate your bottles. If the carbonation isn't exactly what you want you can increase it or decrease it for the whole batch at any point by adding or releasing some CO2.

Serve On Tap, At Home Or Away

Beer on tap is better, simple.

With this system you get 2 taps which can be used directly on the fermenter, on the large 19L keg or on the portable 5L keg. You can attach or remove them at any time as valves prevent any gas or liquid escaping.

One tap is a premium stainless steel flow control tap (flow control means you will always get the perfect pour). The other is a pluto gun which is lightweight and great for portablility. It also allows you to use the 5L keg with it lying on it's side (in an esky or fridge shelf for instance).

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